
Feature on K A Servian, A Pivotal Right (Shaking the Tree Book 2)

This week's feature is on NZ author K A Servian. She has a new book, A Pivotal Right ~Book 2 in Shaking the Tree series. 

An overwhelming urge to create led Kathy to pursue qualifications in both fashion design and screen-printing which were followed by a twenty-year career in the fashion and applied arts industries.
She then discovered a love of teaching and began passing on the skills she'd accumulated over the years—design, pattern-making, sewing, Art Clay Silver, screen-printing and machine embroidery to name a few. 
Kathy’s first novel, Peak Hill, was a finalist in the Romance Writers of New Zealand Pacific Hearts Full Manuscript contest in 2016.
Her second novel, Throwing Light, was published in February 2017.
The Moral Compass is her third novel and the first in a historical series set predominantly in colonial New Zealand.

Having recently completed a diploma in advanced creative writing, Kathy fits writing around teaching sewing and being a wife and mother.

K. A. Servian on the web:

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  1. Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?
That is a tricky question to answer as the experience of emotions is highly subjective, very personal and impossible to compare between people. But I will say that in my experience, I find that feeling the emotions of my characters as I write does help me produce work that I like to think is emotionally authentic. I'm always flattered when readers tell me how emotionally invested they became in my characters whilst reading my books. Hearing that tells me that my writing has been successful for that reader.

  1. What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?
I know many lovely writers, most of whom I've met through RQNZ. One author/friend who has been a huge influence on my work is Zana Bell. Zana was one of my tutors when I was completing my diploma in advanced applied writing through NorthTec. The advice she gave on a wide range of subjects has been very valuable. Probably the most useful thing she ever told me was to consider every word and whether it is necessary. I often think of this when I'm editing my work. Also, Daphne Clair (de Jong) was my mentor when I was completing The Moral Compass and she also gave me tons of very sage advice.

3. Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?

My first two novels were contemporary and stand alone. But since I've begun writing historical novels there definitely seems to be connections forming. The Moral Compass is the first in a trilogy and I already have ideas for other novels set in the same period and location.

Tell us a bit about your book...

A Pivotal right is the second book in the Shaking the Tree trilogy. It begins twenty years after
The Moral Compass and picks up Florence and her daughter, Viola, when they return to NZ to visit Bertram (Florence's brother). They walk into a shop and come face to face with Jack, Florence's first husband, and the man she believes to be dead. This discovery sends both Jack and Florence into a spin as they try to reconnect with each other after so much time has passed. Viola's life is also turned on its head. She has based her aspiration to become a doctor on the understanding she inherited her perchant for medicine from her late father, Emile, but when she finds out that she is actually Jack's daughter, it leads her to question everything about her life.

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  1. Getting emotions on the page is hard. It's something I've been struggling with.

  2. Thanks for a bio that makes me feel like a total slacker in life. LOL. Kudos to Kathy for mastering whatever she chose to try!

  3. Kathy is so talented and the book sounds good.

  4. I like standalone books at times when I'm not reading a series.

  5. The book sounds very good!

    1. Thank you, Tamgo. I hope you get a chance to read it.

  6. Very interesting read and I enjoyed the book review. Thank you :)

  7. I think the first question is interesting. I think you can write emotionally-charged stories without being emotional yourself. It takes a little more research to know what physical things happen in the body when experiencing the various emotions. Good interview!


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